more about your interbenchionists

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Bench as a Group Effort

Wow, what an amazing afternoon!  Huge success.  Thanks to everyone who came out and added something to the bench.  Seriously, thank you, we had no idea if people were actually going to take part.  We hope you had as much fun as we did.

Started just with a few people.

Then more came.

And more came!

Someone taking a photo.
There was a constant stream of people for three and a half hours!  Here are some shots of all the different things people added to the bench.  This was seriously the best Interbenchion that has happened.

That handsome fella is Arthur Whalley, namesake of the neighbourhood.

"Geocaching Cared"
A local geocacher made a geocache based on the fenced bench: #GC1B45F.  It is inactive now, but she says she is going to make a new one!

"Without adversity there wouldn't be victory"

I <3 Surrey.

Someone chronicled all the Interbenchions on the back of a bench.

Putting down roots.

Good advice!
That is is for now, bench is looking amazing and we will keep everyone updated for the big move.  And to answer the question that keeps coming up, no, we are not done, and contact us if you have any ideas.

Big thanks to the City for the equipment, and all the people/media who have helped spread the word about our silly project, it is really appreciated!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Bench as a Blank Slate

We've sanded and painted the bench to get it all ready for Monday.  We have a facebook invite here, help spread the word!  

Note: Scraping gum off the bottom of a bench thats been neglected for years is quite possibly the grossest thing i've ever done on a Saturday morning.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Paint the Bench!

We haven't been very busy lately because the weather has been so terrible, BUT we just found out that the Imprisoned Bench will soon be imprisoned no more! Translink and the City are setting it free!  We helped set up this send-off for the bench the City is hosting, so come on down Monday the 17th and help turn the bench into a permanent piece of community art!

What does it mean for Interbenchion now that our favourite piece of street furniture will be no more? We will think of something I am sure.  I've been noticing a surprising amount of grass and trees behind fences...

Actually, we are interested in talking to people interested in this sort of stuff to keep the ideas and public space/public art creativity flowing -so if you've got any ideas or want to get involved in future activities, drop us a line at  As we've said before, this has been way too much fun to quit doing.

See you Monday! (But you won't see me)
