more about your interbenchionists

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Interbenchion Update

Thanks to Tom at the Surrey Now and Sheila at the Surrey Leader for helping to spread the word about Interbenchion with their great articles.  Also thanks to people who have sent supportive emails and ideas for future interbenchions.

The interbenchion crew is working night and day preparing for the next installation.  Here is a hint:

Okay, this is admittedly a pretty terrible hint.  But we don't want to ruin the surprise.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Bench as Leftovers

But don't put this in the microwave. We went with a less "furniture-intensive" idea this time round, maybe even lower profile? Well, sort of. Interested to see if this lasts a bit longer than last time, or if our efforts will be foiled.

Antenna were added to the lamp, this was actually part of different idea we didn't end up doing, ah well.

Interbenchioning is not an exact science.

It's like a beacon in the cold night.

That's it! See you later.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Bench as a Living Room

The first interbenchion went off without a hitch -now this is what we call a welcoming public space!

We started with this:

...and ended with this.

Cozy! Until next time.

*Note, this will all disappear as mysteriously as it arrived!